Every Sunday St. Timothy’s holds their Sunday worship service. The service is a public and social event that follows the Book of Common Prayer. The bulletin we hand out when you enter will allow you to follow along. You may choose to participate in any part of the service; please be comfortable with participating however you would like.
Sunday Mornings at 9:30 am – Main Service: Holy Eucharist Rite II (childcare provided for ages 3-10).
Tuesday Evenings at 8:00 pm – Compline service via Zoom (please contact the church office for information on how to attend)
You can sit anywhere you like. There are 3 books under the chairs, the Book of Common Prayer (red), The Hymnal 1982 (blue), and Renew (green). Most of what you need will be printed in the bulletin. Otherwise, reference is made to one of the 3 books with page numbers or song numbers. Services start with a song that everyone sings while standing.
This part of the service includes Bible readings, the sermon, statements of faith, and prayers of the community. The readings are part of a set “lectionary” which assigns readings for every Sunday. Many other Protestant and Roman Catholic churches use this same lectionary.
This can be a surprising moment for people who are newcomers or visitors. What we are doing is ritually enacting our need to be in right relationship with one another before we go to communion. We do that by saying “Peace be with you” to one another. People may shake hands or embrace each other. In many churches, the Peace is followed by announcements. This is not a formal part of the ritual but is a chance to let people know what is going on in the community and how to get involved.
This includes collecting gifts, getting our meal ready and praying over it, sharing bread and wine. This is the preparation leading up to Communion.
The official policy of the Episcopal Church is that all baptized people may receive communion. If you don’t want to receive communion that is totally fine. You can remain in your seat, or you can come forward and cross your arms over your chest. The priest will offer you a blessing instead of communion.
If you do want to receive, hold out your hands and the priest will offer you bread dipped in wine. Bread without wine is also an option. Once you have received, simply return to your seat. Often music is sung during or near the end of communion.
After everyone has received communion we all stand and say a prayer. The priest then asks God to bless us. Another song is usually sung by everyone during which the liturgical ministers may process out. At the very end, we are dismissed by the priest and sent out into the world.
Please join us for coffee, refreshments, and fellowship after any of the services so that we can meet and welcome you. We would like to know you better and answer any questions you might have about our church and worship.
Experienced caregivers provide a safe and warm environment to the youngest of St. Timothy’s Church. Child care is available on Sundays from 9:00 am – 11:00 am and for some other church events as announced. St. Timothy’s Narthex has a “quiet play place” for young children who would like to stay in the service but would like a little more space to move around.