Cursillo is a ministry of the Episcopal Church. The word Cursillo means short course. The atmosphere is one of joy and Christian fellowship, of learning and listening, of reflection and preparation. Participants return empowered to better serve their church, their community, and the world.
Cursillo weekend starts in the beautiful San Diego mountains: Thursday afternoon through Sunday. The weekend consists of 1 talk divided into 15 parts called ‘rollos’, and five meditations. Listening to others share stories centered on Christ helps everyone to grow in their own understanding of the holy. The weekend is lay-led with clergy participation. Music, and other activities are included throughout the weekend.
The weekend is just the start of living your ‘fourth day’, better known as the rest of your life. There are opportunities throughout the year to gather with other cursillistas in fellowship, and also opportunities to sponsor new people, and serve on a weekend team. ‘Groups’ are encouraged which meet weekly or monthly to share.
Cursillo started in the Catholic Church in the 1940s. It came to the US in the 50s, California in 1960s. The first Episcopal Cursillo in Los Angeles in was held in 1972 and came to our diocese in 1976.
For more information, please go to: sdcursillo.org or contact Kit Chevalier, St Tim’s Parish Rep. 858-382-8332.